Couple to Couple League
For two years, on the anniversary of Humanae Vitae, Likable Art produced a video to promote the work of the Couple To Couple League. The result has been remarkable exposure that continues to reward.
“This has been a huge success, and a big part of that is the creativity and wisdom of your team in creating a video unlike what we first envisioned. I get so stoked when I’m working on something that feels God-led, and this is a prime example. Thanks for bringing the gifts God has given you into your work. It has blessed our mission yet again, and I imagine it won’t be the last time.”
- Ann Gundlach, Director of Communications, CCLI
In conjunction with the increase in social media awareness and website visits, CCLI also set a monetary goal of $30,000 in donations, in order to meet a matching grant of $30,000. By the end of the first day of the campaign, CCLI had just under $20,000 in donations. By the end of week, that number had grown to $34,366! The $30,000 matching grant brought the total raised to $64,366.