Imagine a church
that never neglects beauty.

What I thought I knew.

When I first talked to Cory about coming down to intern with Likable Art, the Created book was one of the big projects he brought up. I had done my research beforehand and thoroughly looked through this very website to figure out who Likable Art was & what they were about. I knew the book was a thing because I had seen it on the website, and I was intrigued by this idea that I would get to help make this cool concept of a book a real, physical thing that would sit on someone’s coffee table.

I was excited to be involved: I would get to help make a book. How cool!

What I learned.

My first day in the office, I got to hold the Created book.

Okay, so not the finished book; it was a proof copy. The day was spent picking through different samples sent from various printers: hardcover, softcover, paperweight, book size, you name it. I spent the rest of the week getting to know the in’s and out’s of this project: who contributed, what they wrote, what’s done, what’s still being developed, and, of course, the soon-to-be-launched Kickstarter campaign.

It was a fascinating week. The Created book originated 2 years ago, when Cory, inspired by the first 5 words of the Bible, “In the beginning, God created” (Gen 1:1), began to ask other Catholic artists for their own first 5 words, and a brief expansion of those 5 words. Over fifty artists, designers, voice actors, musicians, filmmakers, authors, and other creatives responded with incredible wisdom and insight into the place of Beauty in our lives as Catholics, the creative inheritance we have as human beings, and what it looks like to cooperate with God as artists.

As a project, it’s a big undertaking. It’s a massive collaboration involving over fifty very busy people. There are multiple design elements, the organizational structure of the contributions, and the logistic details of printing and delivery.

As a soon-to-be-completed work, it’s much bigger. The reflections, advice, and encouragement collected in Created have, I think, the power to change lives. Created is all about beauty: its importance, its relevance, and its execution. Created highlights artists who have decided to pursue authentic Beauty, grounded in Truth and Goodness. Created echoes the message within its pages by its own, physical design.

I was excited to be involved: this book would make a difference.

What I’m learning now.

A week and a half ago, Cory clicked the bright green button that launched the Kickstarter campaign. Within 24 hours, the project had funded 100%. Even for me, who’d only been on the project a week, the success was relieving and thrilling. It means other people are meeting the Created book and resonating with its message. On Day 12, the campaign is funded over 250%.

But we’re not done yet. It’s still a big project with unfinished parts. My favorite part of this project is that it is truly collaborative, from its content to its design, all the way to its funding. The Created book will be printed, but every person still has a chance to be involved, by backing the Kickstarter and helping us put the Created book in as many hands as possible.

Everyone who backs the Kickstarter before October 22 will have the newly printed Created book in their homes before Christmas. But, that’s not all. Every Kickstarter campaign has special perks, and so do we. There’s exclusive art prints, hand-stamped notebooks, and even a chance for backers to have their name in the Created book!

I’m excited to be involved: the Created book embodies Beauty and it’s bringing people together all around the world.


Apply here.


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